Category / Section
Cegid Retail Y2 fields mapping with neostore
Customer and loyalty data synchronization
Creation and update of customer account and loyalty cards in Y2 via the registration forms.
Field mapping: Here is the list of fields that are available by default in the connector:
neostore fields Y2(WebService) fields
email EmailData.Email
consents_email EmailData.EmailingAccepted
phoneNumber PhoneData.CellularPhoneNumber
isProspect IsProspect
firstName FirstName
lastName LastName
sex Sex
title TitleId
advisor SalesPersonId
storeId UsualStoreId
birthDate BirthDateData
address AddressData.AddressLine1
streetNumber AddressData.AddressLine2
postcode / zipCode AddressData.ZipCode
city AddressData.City
country AddressData.CountryId
nationality NationalityId
consents_email OptinEmail(true = BrandOnly, false = DoNotUse)
consents_post OptinPostal(true = BrandOnly, false = DoNotUse)
consents_sms OptinMobile(true = BrandOnly, false = DoNotUse)
consents_emailReceipt EmailData.SendReceiptByMail
It is possible to add additional fields by contacting your Neostore administrator. The labels and values of the multiple-choice fields have to be filled in and located in the Neostore BackOffice. The same applies to consents and other legal texts.