Translation Management of a Pass Template
Importance of multilingual cards
In the retail world, it is crucial to offer cards in different languages to cater to an increasingly international clientele. Providing a multilingual pass also helps avoid any misinterpretation, which is particularly essential during events.
Steps to manage translations of a pass template
Go to “Settings” then to “General”.
In the internationalization section, you have the option to add the languages you want. For example, to add the English language, simply enter the ISO code for the language, which is “en”. Then, click on the small cross to confirm before saving.
You can add as many languages as you want.
👉 Don’t forget to enter the ISO code for the chosen language! To help you, here is the list of ISO codes:
To set a default language, just click on the chosen language.
Now, go to a pass type of your choice. You will find the newly added languages. Click on one of them to preview the card.
To translate a field, click on the small globe icon:
You will have the option to translate according to the languages.
Each small globe icon in the fields indicates that it can be translated.
Steps for bulk translation
Go to “Tools”, then to “Locales”
Choose the pass template you want to translate.
From this interface, you can translate all the fields.
Fields highlighted in orange indicate that they have not yet been translated. Simply translate the fields to the corresponding language before saving.
You can export the file in Excel format for easier handling.