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Сard design


Design a card for your customers to simplify their in-store experience and match with your brand identity.

Graphic design

In the “Graphic design” section, you can customize the pictures on the card and its color, which allows the card to be as close as possible to the company’s corporate style.

Card color

To adjust the card color:

  1. Press the colored code box and select the desired color for card background;


  1. If necessary, change the header and text colors on the card by moving the sliders to the right and following the same steps with color selection (only for cards in Apple Wallet);


  1. Check the color on the cards on the right side of the interface.


❗ Please, note: If you have a branded company color, enter its code in the area next to the colored box. This will help you to get the exact color. Please note that the color of the card can be a solid color only.


Images on the card

Two images can be placed on the card at the same time: the company logo and the central image.


Apple Wallet card

  1. Upload your logo in the appropriate section. The preferred file type is PNG (with transparent background), 480 x 150px;2.

Upload your center image in the appropriate section. Preferred PNG file type, 1125 x 432px.

Google Wallet card

  1. Upload your logo in the appropriate section. Preferably PNG file type (with the same background color as the card color), minimum size 820 x 820px;2. Upload the center image in the appropriate section. Preferred PNG file type, 1032 x 336px.

❗ Please, note: You can enhance and move the image areas with the mouse to select them more accurately.

Fields layout

In the “Fields layout” section, you can select the information that will be displayed on your customers’ card.To add fields to the card:1. Select fields from the drop-down list;2. Check the layout of the fields on the cards on the right side of the interface;3. Click Save.

The fields on the card will show you the information from the variables you’ve created and display the information that is relevant to the client. The information inside the fields is updated automatically.

Additional information

In the “Additional information” section you can add all the necessary information for the customer, such as:

  • Promotions and news from the company;

  • Terms and conditions of the loyalty program;

  • Company’s contacts;

  • Purchase history;

  • Other information that is important for you to display.


To add a new field with information, click the “+ Add field” button and enter its name and description in the fields that appear. To have the field display updated information, add a variable.You can edit the fields and change their places, and delete them by clicking on the “Hide” button.


In the “Links” section, you can leave links that will allow your customers to communicate with you and get to the websites in one click.

For example:

  • Company website;

  • Order tracking;

  • Online appointment;

  • Stores infos

  • Other links that are important for you to share.


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