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Connect neostore with Secutix



This document aims to provide a comprehensive description of the features and functionality of the connector between Neostore and the Secutix ticketing software. The connector is designed to digitize event tickets and make them accessible via clients’ mobile wallet applications, such as Apple Wallet and Google Wallet. It allows for seamless integration between Secutix ticket data and Neostore pass templates.

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Activate Secutix connector

Integrations ⇒ Secutix

Create Pass type (1).png

  operator: xxxx
  institution: xxxx
  partner: Neostore
  defaultPassType: XXXXX (From Neostore)

Designing Wallet Ticket Templates for Secutix

The connector enables the design of Neostore pass templates using data extracted from Secutix tickets. These templates include all relevant information about the event, ticket, seating, and ticket holder details.

Create a Pass Template

  • Name: Define the name of your pass template. Will be used by secutix to use the right template if SDK is deployed on the ticketshop.
  • Select Type: Event Ticket
  • Pass Layout: Select the default pass layout page that will be used to enroll users in Wallets


Configure a Pass Template

Config templates (1).png

Here are the available data fields:
Neostore Secutix Example
firstName movementData.beneficiaryFirstname Cyril
lastName movementData.beneficiaryLastname DURAND
barCode movementData.barCode 085035041335220306680099
ticket.zone3 movementData.area Single Zone
ticket.seatCategory movementData.seatCategory Single Category operationData.siteAddress.countryCode FR
address.address operationData.siteAddress.firstAddressLine 116, Avenue du Président Kennedy operationData.siteAddress.locality PARIS
operationData.siteAddress.phoneNumber 33-0156401516
address.zipCode operationData.siteAddress.zipCode 75016
ticket.zone1 House of Radio and Music
ticket.zone2 Studio 104
ticket.price operationData.totalAmount 0 operationData.performance Wallet Show
ticket.subName operationData.performanceAddOnName An exceptional show
ticket.startDate operationData.performanceDate 2024-07-01T20:00:00.000+02:00
operationData.product Wallet Show
operationData.productFamilyType SINGLE_ENTRY
operationData.productFamilySubType SIMPLE_TICKET
ticket.taxNumber movementData.TaxNumber 12010124729
expirationDate expirationDate 2024-02-23T00:03:46.627+01:00
ticket.orderId orderId 2389856
ticket.contactId contactReference 897501
ticket.fileId operationData.fileId 2234582
ticket.zone5 movementData.row
ticket.seatNumber movementData.seatNumber
ticket.zone4 movementData.block
ticket.priceCategory operation.AudienceSubCategory
ticket.priceCurrency operation.CatalogCurrency.CurrencyCode
ticket.eventId operationData.eventId
ticket.entrance operationData.entrance
ticket.entranceCode operationData.entranceCode
ticket.floor operationData.floor
ticket.seatQuality operationData.seatQuality
ticket.sector operationData.sector
ticket.canceled movementTicketData.TicketState is INVALIDATED or CANCELLED
address.longitude operationData.siteAddress.gpsLongitude or computed from address via Google Maps API
address.latitude operationData.siteAddress.gpsLatitude or computed from address via Google Maps API

Ticket Distribution in Mobile Wallet Applications

Link, pages, SDK to enroll users in mobiles Wallets applications.

New Neostore Page for Downloading Tickets into Wallets


  • Create a new layout page: tickets
type: passList
    - /locales/tickets/
headerImage: /public/blabla.png

Responsive and adaptive web page. Displays a QR code in desktop mode and the Apple Wallet button on iOS devices and the Google Wallet button on Android devices.

It enables users to:

  • List all tickets from an order
  • Option to define 2 lines of text to differentiate tickets
  • Download multiple tickets at once
  • Download tickets from different templates

This page can be linked in a Secutix transactional email following the order.

  • Link to a ticket
  • Link to tickets from an order

SDK in the Ticket Shop

This feature is accessible from the Secutix ticket shop page, where all tickets purchased by a buyer are aggregated.


The connector is equipped with an integrated Neostore SDK, allowing for the direct distribution of tickets into users’ mobile wallet applications.

You can copy the code snippet directly from the secutix integration page within neostore here:

Create Pass type.png

Automatic Ticket Updates

A key feature of the connector is its ability to automatically update tickets in the passes based on various business scenarios managed by Secutix.

For example, in case of a ticket cancellation, exchange, or modification, the connector can synchronize these changes and update the corresponding passes in the users’ mobile wallet applications.

  • Ticket updates when an order is updated in Secutix.

Exemple of Webhook

  "lastUpdate":"2024-04-03 08:58:44"

Provide a neostore url to Secutix.

This url will should be configured in Secutix and will listen webhooks:


Find below a list of use cases:

This table translates the operations and their availability or actions taken in different contexts, such as in the ticketshop, back office, or regarding ticket management actions like reprinting, exchanging, or cancelling.

Use Cases Possible from the Ticket Shop Possible in Back Office New SecuTix Transaction New Ticket Generated New Movement ID New Order ID New File ID SecuTix Transactional Email Sent Ticket to be Updated in Wallet Old Ticket to be Deactivated in Wallet
Change of the title or schedule of an event Yes Yes
Reprinting of a ticket Yes Yes Yes Yes
Change of ticket holder’s name Yes Yes Yes Yes
Change of cultural contact Yes Yes
Replacement of a spectator Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ticket exchange Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cancellation of a ticket Yes Yes Yes Yes

This feature ensures an up-to-date and hassle-free user experience.

Geolocated Notifications

It’s possible to set up geolocated notifications to display a message on iOS users’ phones when they are near the event venue.


  • The distance can be configured from the Neostore administration console.

Apple Wallet General ⇒ Max Distance 300 meters



List of Passes:


It’s possible to access statistics on the adoption and usage of wallet tickets split by events from Secutix.

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