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Apple Sign In configuration


Apple sign in

The “Sign in with Apple” functionality require some configuration on the Apple side. To make this configuration you will need to have access to your “Apple developer program membership” account.

  1. Login to the Apple developer program console
  2. Go to Certificates, IDs & Profiles > Identifiers
  3. Click on the + button and select App IDs

    If you have existing App IDs for your website or any other mobile application we can use it, this will allow some advanced scenarios. Please contact neostore team for further information.

  4. Select the App type
  5. Fill the form with
    • description : customer registration by neostore App
    • Identifier : fill with the information provided by neostore. For example
    • capabilities :
      • Sign In with Apple
  6. Validate the form and click on Register
  7. On the upper right part of the list change “App Ids” to “Service Ids”
  8. Click on the + button and select Service IDs
  9. Fill the form with
    • description : customer registration by neostore Service
    • Identifier : fill with the information provided by neostore. For example cloud.neostore.molia.service
  10. Validate the form and click on Register
  11. On the identifier list select the identifier you just created
  12. Enable “Sign in with Apple” and click Configure
  13. Fill the form with
    • Primary App Id : the app Id you created previously for example
    • Domains and subdomain :,,, and any custom domain you may have configured within neostore
    • Return URLs :,, and any custom domain you may have configured within neostore
  14. Validate the form and click on continue
  15. On the left menu click on more
  16. In the Sign in with Apple for Email Communication click configure
  17. Click on the + email button
  18. Fill the form with
    • Domains and subdomains :,,<yourdomain> where <yourdomain> is the domain of the email you want to sender email you want to use
    • Email addresses :,,<youremail@yourdomain> where <youremail@yourdomain> is the sender email you want to use
  19. validate the form
  20. On the neostore administration console, open the Social logins > Apple page
  • fill the service identifier with the service identifier used in step 9
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