Category / Section
Apple Wallet certificates
Neostore offers features that require configuration from Apple. To utilize these features, the tenant must be the owner of an Apple account. To join the Apple Developer Program, enroll here. It is recommended to enroll as an Organization.
French Turorial below:
Option 1 - account delegation
In order to simplify the process, it is possible to give access your Apple account to Neostore.
On your Apple membership dashboard add as an administrator. This will allow neostore to do all the configuration for you.
It is possible to assign new permission from this page Apple access users
Option 2 - configuration on your own
Please follow the next steps to configure your Apple membership program for Neostore.
- Login to the Apple developer program console
- Go to Certificates, IDs & Profiles > Identifiers
- Click on the + button and select Pass Type IDs and then click on continue
- Fill the form with
- description : membership pass
- identifier : fill with the information provided by neostore, this information could be found in neostore administration console here : Neostore - Wallets > Apple configuration with field named
pass type identifier
Name should{tenantId}
is the name of your brand. If the name doesn’t fit this pattern, please contact your Neostore representative.
- validate the form by clicking on the Continue button and then on the Register button
You will be redirected to a list with all your generated pass type identifiers. - click on the identifier you just created on the list
- and then on create certificate Button
- In another tab, go to Neostore administration console here - Neostore - Wallets > Apple configuration and click on generate CSR
and then download the CSR using the Download CSR button
- go back to the apple developer tab and fill the form with
- certificate name : leave empty
- CSR request : upload the file provided by neostore. This file name will be similar to
and then click on the Continue button
- Download the generated certificate
- Upload the certificate file (pass.cer) to neostore - Neostore - Wallets > Apple configuration
- Validate the information and click on apply certificate
- On apple developer center go to Keys - Apple Developer - Keys and click on the + button
- Fill the form with
- key name : Wallet push notification
- select Apple Push Notifications service (APNs)
- Click on Continue
- Click on Register
- Click on Download
This key file and Key Id needs to be submitted to Neostore - Go to Neostore - Wallets > Apple Push Notification configuration
- fill the Key ID with the information provided by Apple
- upload the downloaded AuthKey_xxx.p8 file
- Login to the Apple developer program console
- Go to Certificates, IDs & Profiles > Certificates and click on the + button
- Select “Pass Type ID” and click on Continue
- Go to Neostore administration console here - Neostore - Wallets > Apple configuration and click on generate CSR
and then download the CSR using the Download CSR button
- go back to the apple developer tab and fill the form with
- certificate name : leave empty
- CSR request : upload the file provided by neostore. This file name will be similar to
and then click on the Continue button
- Download the generated certificate
- Upload the certificate file (pass.cer) to neostore - Neostore - Wallets > Apple configuration
- Validate the information and click on apply certificate