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How to set up redirects in Neostore ?


This tutorial will guide you through the steps necessary to to set up specific store redirects.

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Log in to the Neostore administration console.
  2. In the navigation menu, go to “Layout” and then select “Redirect.”


  1. Once in the Redirect section, click on “Add New” at the top left of the page.
  2. You will be redirected to a new page to configure your redirect settings.
  3. In the “Layout” field, select “Form.”
  4. In the “Label” field, add the name of the store you want to associate with the QR code.
  5. Click on “Add Parameter” to add a new parameter.
  6. In the “Key” field, enter “storeId.”
  7. In the “Value” field, select the identifier of the associated store. This identifier should match the store for which you want to generate a QR code.


Neostore also offers the ability to import multiple redirects in bulk using an Excel file. Here’s how to proceed:

Fill in the Excel file with the following columns:

  • Layout
  • Label
  • StoreId


Once the Excel file is filled in, return to the Redirect section of the administration console and import the file. Verify that the data has been correctly imported.


You have the option to preview the QR code in this way :


You can also associate a store with other variables such as:

  • Seller code (associatId)
  • Language (neo.lg)
  • Source, meaning where the customer comes from (neo.src)


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