Category / Section
2024-09 - September
0.5.2105 - 23/09/2024
Fix issue
- With loader & backdrop. it avoid backdrop loading in some case like email verification
- When updating google pass type - changes are not propagated
New feature : add a confirm dialog before sending push update
0.5.2074 - 15/09/2024
Fix shopify integration :
- Error to identify existing account with none check-in policy
- Error when updating consents. If a small clock desynchronization appear between servers, consents may be updated in the future which is not allowed
0.5.2067 - 09/09/2024
Fix bug with pass list filter : when no result is found, columns disappaer.
New feature : possibility to get user information in complete step of the vendor layout.
0.5.2046 - 03/09/2024
Improvement :
In google loyalty card - member name is displayed in 2nd row and member name is displayed on the wallet card list
Dependency update for api & front-office
Fix :
- update SalePersonEmployee cegid service
New feature :
- it is now possible to edit and save in compare config feature