Category / Section
2024-11 - November
0.5.2318 - 24/11/2024
Improvement :
- Additional contact information is retrieved by the secutix contact provider
Fix :
- Issue when deleting tenant - .version is not deleted after completion
- Race condition may occurs when creating new tenant
- Access denied flashing while loading
- Issue when changing country of phoneNumber, first number disappeared
0.5.2309 - 21/11/2024
- Fix potential race condition when pass is configured to used external image
- Improve sfmc logging & error handling
0.5.2302 - 18/11/2024
Improvement :
- Add 5min cache when retrieving Y2 loyalty program by storeId
0.5.2300- 18/11/2024
New feature :
- Add support for AssociatedStoreIdentifiers and AppLaunchUrl or apple passes
- New 404 error page for the back-office
- New page to manage secutix connexion information
Improvement :
- Improve sfmc connector to use service bus and be more resilient to partner throttling
0.5.2252 - 07/11/2024
New feature :
The ability to schedule push updates and an almost complete rewrite of pass update management
Force refresh token every 3 minutes in approved page
Improvement :
- New UI of the back-office
- New import pass feature
- Add possibility to set form default value in vendor layout
- Improve documentation of date field format
- Add pass count in push update modal