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Neostore Integration with Cegid Retail Y2 APIs


Neostore Integration with Cegid Retail Y2 APIs

Neostore leverages Cegid Retail Y2’s APIs and business notifications to provide real-time updates and data synchronization for a seamless user experience. These integrations enable Neostore to manage customer data, loyalty programs, cash operations, and sales documents efficiently within mobile wallets.

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List of Web Services and Notifications

1. Customer

Purpose: This service is used to search, create, and update customer profiles and manage consents. It allows Neostore to display customer information directly in wallets, ensuring that data is up-to-date and accessible.
Endpoint: CustomerWcfService.svc

Methods Used:

  • SearchCustomerIds: Finds customer IDs based on specific search criteria (Email)
  • UpdateCustomer: Updates customer information to maintain accurate records.
  • AddNewCustomer: Adds new customers to the Cegid Y2 database for synchronization with Neostore.

2. Cash Operations

Purpose: Facilitates the display of available vouchers and gift cards in wallets. This enables customers to view and utilize their vouchers or gift cards directly from their mobile wallets.
Endpoint: CashOperationsWcfService.svc

Methods Used:

  • GetCustomerAvailableBons: Retrieves available vouchers or gift cards for a customer.

3. Loyalty

Purpose: Manages loyalty program data, including the creation of loyalty cards and the display of loyalty points within wallets. Neostore uses this service to enhance customer engagement by keeping loyalty information readily accessible.
Endpoint: LoyaltyWcfService.svc and LoyaltyEngineLoyaltyEngineService.svc

Methods Used:

  • GetCustomerCards: Fetches loyalty cards linked to a customer.
  • GetLoyaltyCard: Retrieves details of a specific loyalty card.
  • CreateLoyaltyCard: Creates a new loyalty card for customers in Cegid Y2.
  • GetCardCreationActiveProgramsOnStore : Used to know wich loyalty program is available for a store

4. Sale Documents

Purpose: Used to display receipts in wallets and generate click-and-collect cards. This ensures that customers have easy access to their purchase receipts and collection cards within their mobile wallets.
Endpoint: SaleDocumentService.svc

Methods Used:

  • GetByKey: Retrieves a specific sales document by its key.
  • GetHeaderList: Provides a list of sales documents for recent transactions.

5. Sales Report

Purpose: Used to generate pdf of a receipt.
Endpoint: SalesExternalReport (REST)

Methods Used:

  • generatedocument: generate a new pdf
  • download: download the specified pdf
  • poll : Verify availability of the pdf generation

6. Employee

Purpose: Used to get list of employees of a store. Mainly used by the vendor layout.
Endpoint: EmployeeSalespersonsService.svc

Methods Used:

  • GetListDetail: List advisors of a store.

7. Business Notifications

Purpose: Neostore subscribes to business notifications to receive real-time updates on events such as loyalty updates, purchases, and orders. This enables the system to send push notifications to wallets, ensuring that customers are informed promptly of changes or updates.
Endpoint: BusinessNotificationSubscriptionService.svc

Methods Used:

  • GetActive: Lists active subscriptions.
  • Update: Modifies existing subscriptions.
  • Create: Creates new subscriptions for specific notifications.
  • Delete: Deletes subscriptions to stop receiving specific notifications.

This documentation highlights the real-time integration between Neostore and Cegid Y2, enabling a dynamic and user-friendly experience for customers by providing up-to-date information on loyalty points, vouchers, and transactions within mobile wallets.

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